Suvi is a Master Portrait Photographer in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, specializing in a transformative experience that captures your confidence and authenticity!








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Empowered Women

Kelleen Is Living Her Best Life

November 26, 2020

Our next You’re Enough woman, Kelleen, is living her best life.

Sometimes you meet a woman who seems to be exactly where she should be and is absolutely crushing it in her life. I love to applaud women who have worked hard to get where they are and are perfectly content, living their best moments ever. That’s where Kelleen Harold is at in her life right now, and I couldn’t be happier for her.

She’s recently bought her dream house, and she is a newlywed as well, having been married in October.

“Our first house was super small in the city. Last year, we finally got our hobby farm on 10 acres. We’ve got chickens, ducks, and two dogs. God blessed me. I am so fortunate,” she said.

That doesn’t mean her life has been without challenges – her children have both been diagnosed with Fragile X syndrome.

“They have taught me patience, resilience, and flexibility. And that everything happens for a reason, though I hated that saying for the longest time,” she said.

When asked about beauty, Kelleen remembers what it meant when she was a teen – and it’s an image many of us in our 40s can relate to if we think back to our high school days.

“When I was a teen, money seemed to be the way to be popular and look pretty. All the ‘cool, popular’ girls were always able to buy Guess jeans and expensive clothes that made them more desirable by everyone,” she said. “I came from a lower-income family, so I never felt that pretty in my Kmart jeans and Walmart t-shirts.”

Not having the opportunity to buy into that whole expensive image thing gave Kelleen a chance to develop her own blend of beauty that she still holds to even today.

“Now, as an adult, I try really hard not to feel the need to buy stuff to make me more desirable. Beauty comes from within. I’m lucky, though. My friends and family really seem to enjoy my humor and fun-ness,” she said.

Even though she’s now in her early 40s, Kelleen still isn’t sure if she’s beautiful. “Sometimes I feel pretty. Then I look at photos, and I’m like, ‘Is that really how I look?’ I don’t think I’m photogenic,” she said.

For those who also struggle sometimes to recognize their own beauty, both inner and outer, Kelleen has this advice.

“Beauty comes from confidence,” she said. “Know your worth.”

Confidence can be a tricky thing, but Kelleen said if she knew she could do something without failing, she would open her own pet rescue farm, run by teens and adults with special needs.

When asked why she wants to have breathtaking pictures taken of herself at this point in her life, Kelleen gave an answer that touched my heart.

“I want my children to see me in my best prime. I’ve accomplished and persevered. I’ll be 43, and I’m on my best life. I want my image remembered now as my happiest,” she said.

That just warms my heart. I love to see a wonderful, powerful woman succeeding and being completely content with where she is in life. Sometimes, people are always looking toward the future and their next goal, and they forget to enjoy all the amazing things already happening all around them. It’s great to have goals, but there’s something exquisitely beautiful about savoring where you’re at.

It was a true pleasure to meet Kelleen and help her document through photos how content she is in her skin and her life right now. It made me so happy and helped me count my blessings as well.

After shooting photos of Kelleen, I can tell her with absolute confidence that she is photogenic! Her new pictures prove that fact.

It’s astounding how many fantastic women are out there, isn’t it? We’ll keep introducing you to new ones as our campaign continues. I hope you all use this campaign as a springboard to be supportive and welcoming to all the women you know and to cut yourself some slack as well. You’re pretty amazing, too!

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Master portrait photographer

My passion for photography is the heart of my journey. My work blends timeless elegance with contemporary flair, creating portraits that tell your story, reflect your beauty and true self. My unique approach combines classic elegance with modern artistry, ensuring each session is a transformative experience. I help my clients look amazing and feel confident during the portrait process, resulting in the best portraits they've ever seen of themselves. Let's create something extraordinary together!